Grounds for Sculpture, 1999
Horizontal Wedge, 1991
220 x 76 x 38 in (559 x 193 x 97 cm)
Hamilton, New Jersey
Grounds for Sculpture, 1999
Cleopatra’s Wedge, 1991, Normanno Wedge, 1988
Left to Right: 220 x 76 x 38 in (559 x 193 x 97 cm)
207 x 30 x 19 in (526 x 76 x 48 cm)
Hamilton, New Jersey
Installation view: Grounds For Sculpture, 1999
Left to Right:
Split Ritual II, 1996, Cast Ductile Iron, 120 in high (305 cm high)
Cleopatra’s Wedge, 1991, Steel, 220 x 76 x 38 in (559 x 193 x 97 cm)
Normanno Wedge, 1988, Steel, 207 x 30 x 19 in (526 x 76 x 48 cm)
Hamilton, New Jersey